The Challenge of Digital Well-Being in Today’s Youth

Sunrise Project France, as part of the consortium of the Erasmus+ funded project “Digital Prevention” has created a digital toolkit for the well-being of youngsters in relation to the use of social media.

In an era where the boundaries between the online and offline worlds are increasingly blurred, the concept of digital well-being is more crucial than ever. As youth workers and NGOs committed to the holistic development of young people, we face the added challenge of navigating the complex digital landscape.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce our all-encompassing toolkit, specifically designed for youth NGOs and youth workers in Europe. This toolkit equips you with the skills, methodologies, and resources needed to address the nuanced issue of digital well-being among young people.

Why This Toolkit is a Must-Have

Are you:

  • Struggling to integrate digital well-being into your existing programs?
  • Looking for research-backed methods to address issues like screen addiction, cyberbullying, or FOMO among young people?
  • Seeking to enrich your toolkit with up-to-date digital literacy materials?

If any of these resonate with you, this toolkit will be an invaluable addition to your work.

Key Features of the Toolkit

  1. Facilitation Guide: This chapter is replete with tips and techniques specifically geared towards youth workers and NGO facilitators. It covers practical advice on challenging scenarios and how to keep participants engaged.
  2. Structured Methodologies: The toolkit includes detailed methodologies for each topic, providing everything from learning objectives to materials needed and step-by-step instructions.
  3. Assessment and Evaluation Tools: These tools will help you gauge the efficacy of your programs through pre and post-assessment metrics. Observation forms for facilitators are also included.
  4. Additional Resources and References: A comprehensive list of recommended readings, apps, and other resources related to digital well-being. We’ve also cited all the studies and statistics used, providing you with a robust framework to back your initiatives.

Here’s What Our Early Adopters Are Saying

“As someone involved in youth work, this toolkit is like finding a goldmine of practical, relatable, and scientifically-backed information.” — Anna, Youth Worker, Germany

“This toolkit is a resource we’ve been waiting for. It gives us a roadmap to integrate digital well-being into our existing youth programs effectively.” — Luca, NGO Founder, Italy

How to Get Your Copy

Ready to equip yourself and your organization with this groundbreaking resource?  Check the link to see the toolkit:

You can also find a copy in French here:

Access the official website of the project to discover more and also find the tool-kit in Italian, Bulgarian and Romanian languages! 

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