Morning Session: World Café Discussions

Day 4 introduced a change in methodology, starting with a World Café session. The themes for the roundtable discussions were thoughtfully chosen:

Organized efforts to stop climate change.
Activists’ roles and actions.
Who can assist in taking action?
Characteristics of an effective climate activist.
Participants were grouped into teams, and each team rotated among the tables to discuss these themes. Each table had a facilitator, a participant who stayed at the table to guide the discussions. The session concluded with presentations summarizing the discussions from each table, offering diverse perspectives and insights.

Mid-Morning: Crafting a Climate Action Plan

Building on the previous session’s discussions, the same teams were tasked with creating a “Climate Action Plan” from an environmental activist’s viewpoint. This session was enriched by a TedX talk by Yazzie Min on apathy and action, followed by a discussion based on the talk. This combination of planning and reflective learning deepened the participants’ understanding and commitment.

Afternoon: Climate Change Escape Game

The next session was replaced by an Escape Game on climate change, innovatively created by one of the Romanian participants. The themes of the game included water pollution, air pollution, illegal logging, anti-consumption practices (electronic waste), intensive use of non-renewable materials, and the excess of plastic and microplastic pollution. Participants worked in teams to solve the puzzles, making the learning process interactive and engaging.

Evening: Mid-Term Evaluation and Reflection

In addition to the usual reflection session, a mid-term evaluation was conducted. Participants were invited to sit in different parts of the room and respond to a series of questions about the development of activities, group dynamics, and the overall atmosphere. This method allowed for a comprehensive and inclusive evaluation of the program so far.

Intercultural Evening: Romania

The day concluded with an Intercultural Evening dedicated to Romania. This event provided a wonderful opportunity for cultural exchange and understanding, allowing participants to immerse themselves in Romanian culture, traditions, and customs.

Closing Thoughts:

Day 4 was a day of dynamic discussions, strategic planning, and cultural immersion. The World Café and Climate Action Plan sessions allowed participants to delve deeper into the complexities of climate activism, while the Escape Game added an element of fun and challenge to the learning process. The Romanian Intercultural Evening was a fitting end to a day filled with learning, reflection, and cultural appreciation.