Morning Session: Eco-Brainstorming and Sketch Preparation

Day 3 of our youth exchange began with an energetic brainstorming session on the term “eco.” Participants formed groups of five and embarked on writing scripts for sketches humorously depicting the negative effects of an environmentally unfriendly lifestyle. They collaboratively discussed and agreed upon the structure of their scenarios.

Mid-Morning: Costume Preparation and Rehearsals

Once the scripts were finalized, the groups dedicated time to preparing costumes and rehearsing their performances. This preparation phase was filled with creativity and teamwork, setting the stage for their upcoming performances.

Afternoon: Performing Eco-Sketches

The participants then performed their sketches in front of their peers. For instance, one group presented a play on the consequences of excessive plastic use. These performances were not only entertaining but also educational, recorded, and shared on social media. This was followed by a discussion on how to change these specific behaviors.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Exploration

The next session involved familiarizing participants with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They engaged in discussions about the three most crucial SDGs for combating the climate crisis, sharing and comparing their ideas.

Developing a Climate Action Plan

Participants then delved into creating an action plan to combat climate change. They started individually and gradually worked in larger groups to form a comprehensive plan. This exercise was pivotal in translating their learning into actionable strategies.

Evening: Reflection and Social Media Content Creation

The day concluded with reflection sessions in national groups, especially beneficial for those less fluent in English. These sessions helped participants process the day’s activities and insights. Additionally, voluntary teams were formed to create content for social media, capturing the essence of the day’s experiences.

Intercultural Evening: France

The day wrapped up with an Intercultural Evening dedicated to France, offering a delightful cultural exchange and a chance to unwind and enjoy the diverse backgrounds of the participants.

Closing Thoughts:

Day 3 was a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and cultural exchange. It was a day where participants used humor and performance to convey environmental messages, explored global goals, and brainstormed actionable plans for climate change. The French Intercultural Evening added a perfect end to the day, celebrating diversity and unity.