PERSE – What happened so far?

Sunrise has joined PERSE during the implementation. So far, amazing things have happened in PERSE! The first intellectual output of the project was created: Training course for creative leaders. This training aimed at supporting the continuous professional development...

PERSE – PERspectives on creativity and Stem Educational fields

Sunrise Project is delighted to join as partner a new project: PERspectives on creativity and Stem Educational fields. PERSE aims to promote the creation and sustainable development of innovative youth workers that can act as “social bridges” between the educational,...

DYW: Digital Youth Work

This is an idea of a training course for beginners in digital youth work created by participants in our seminar. 🕛 12 weeks, 6 hours for week 👤 Self-paced, progress at your own Speed 💲Free 🔸 About this course: The course aims to increase the skills and abilities of...

A Youth Work Wiki

The idea to create a Youth Wiki was developed during the seminar. Currently, there is no youth work wiki – a place to gather all possible resources and articles on topics of Youth Work. We have made a simulation during the seminar of how such a page could look...