Uplifting News Stories from Around the World
As we are in the midst of a global pandemic, the news is understandably full of solemn and distressing headlines. However, there are still some positive news stories from around the world that have also thankfully, reached the front page! 😊 The first out of these...15 Amazing Facts We Bet You Don’t Know
The first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade featured lions, camels, and elephants from the Central Park Zoo. The NASA Vehicle Assembly Building in Florida is so huge it has its own weather. Yoda was partly modeled after a photo of Albert Einstein. Goldfish can...
Japanese Strange Siesta: Inemuri
We all know Japan is a country where life goes fast and busy. And also Japanese prided themselves on being known as the hardworking nation that never sleeps. But it seems like a lot of work doesn’t let them to get a proper sleep which brought a new concept to their...
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