Sunrise Project together with the partners of the Mind over Monsters project have officially begun the participant selection process for its upcoming training course, “Mind over Monsters.” This initiative aims to equip youth workers across Europe with essential tools and knowledge to effectively support young individuals grappling with mental health challenges.

Selection Process

Each partner organization involved in the project is currently in the process of selecting among their youth workers the best candidates to participate in this transformative experience. The selection criteria focus on identifying individuals who are not only passionate about advancing mental health support for youth but also have a proven track record of commitment and effectiveness in their previous youth work.

Partner Roles in Selection

Each partner brings a unique perspective to the selection process, ensuring a diverse and capable group of participants. These organizations are:

  • MediterrArt APS (Italy) – Selecting youth workers with a strong background in incorporating arts into youth engagement.
  • SOSYAL KÜLTÜR, İÇERME, GİRİŞİMCİLİK, ÇEVRE VE GENÇLİK DERNEĞİ (Turkey) – Focusing on candidates who have worked extensively with inclusive projects.
  • Vocea Copiilor Abandonati (Romania) – Choosing participants who have direct experience supporting youth from orphanages.
  • Asociación Juvenil Talasa (Spain) – Looking for youth workers who are skilled in intercultural communication and non-formal education methods.
  • Horizons For Youth GR (Greece) – Selecting individuals with a background in promoting active citizenship and human rights education.
  • Elevation Youth (Cyprus) – Focusing on youth workers who have implemented community-based mental health initiatives.
  • Creative Center Plovdiv Association (Bulgaria) – Choosing candidates with experience in environmental and educational projects.
  • CENTAR ZA RURALEN RAZVOJ – JIE STRUGA ZDRUZENJE (North Macedonia) – Selecting youth workers who have facilitated rural development and youth engagement projects.

Training and Beyond

The selected participants will attend a comprehensive training session scheduled from June 13th to June 21st, 2024, in Étrœungt, France. Post-training, these youth workers are expected to become ambassadors of the knowledge they’ve acquired, integrating and disseminating their learnings within their communities through workshops, discussions, and other forms of engagement.

Continuous Support

SPF is committed to providing continuous support and resources to ensure that these youth workers always have the backing they need to make a meaningful impact in their communities. This initiative is a step towards creating a lasting and widespread impact on youth mental health support across Europe.