Sunrise Project France is happy to announce the launch of the project Smart UP inclusion.
The project represents a training course dedicated to youth workers coming from ten European countries: France, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, the Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. The project will reunite 30 youth workers actively involved in their communities and willing to get more experience in working with disadvantaged groups of young people.
The training course is set up to take place for 7 days in the autumns of 2019 in Lille Area, North of France.
The training aims to improve facilitation skills of the participants, with a focus on experiences and methods for the disadvantaged young people. The training course offers the participants new non-formal education methods to be used in working with disadvantaged youth and enables them to launch initiatives to increase the participation of marginalized youth in voluntary activities and non-formal education.
Non-formal education is the main methodology used in this course, combining different methods to ensure a comprehensive learning dimension. Methods include self-directed learning, simulations, mind-mapping, outdoor education, dynamic, creative and participatory activities, case studies. The methods were designed to actively involve participants and allow them to use their creative skills.
The two main needs on which this project is based are intercorrelated: the need to have better prepared youth workers and the need to offer a high-quality youth work that is tailored to the characteristics of the targeted youth with fewer opportunities.
The project is set in the context of one of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy to reduce poverty and social exclusion for more than 20 million people. The project was born out of the need of the partner organisations to better prepare young workers to face the challenges they have in their activities with disadvantaged young people.
Smart Up Inclusion is a Mobility of Youth Workers – Training Course funded by the European Commission – Erasmus+ Programme. The project is coordinated by Sunrise Project – France organisation in partnership with organisations from nine other countries: Cross Culture International Foundation from Cyprus, European Youth Centre Breclav from Czech Republic, I.D.E.A. from Greece, Iniciatyvu klubas Kitu kampu from Lithuania, Association for research education and development marketing gate from The Republic of North Macedonia, Asociatia Oamenii Deltei from Romania, Turkiye Avrupa vakfi from Turkey, Stowarzyszenie Projektow Miedzynarodowych “INPRO” from Poland, ADEFIS juventud internacional from Spain.

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